The Draw
After some late entries I have tweaked the draw (See Below)
I have also added your tee times so you can plan your morning - but please bare in mind that we have Worcestershire's finest "Full English" to enjoy prior to the golf
The Competition Rules:
All 4 players drive. Men from white tees, ladies from red.
One of 4 tee shots is selected and all four players play a shot from this position. On closely mown areas each ball is placed within 12 inches of the selected ball. In any other location the ball must be dropped within one club length of the selected ball.
Play continues in this way until a ball is holed out. Note: all 4 players continue to play, even on the green.
The team must select and play at least 4 tee shots from each player. In a team of three, players select and play at least 5 tee shots from each player.
Handicap allowance is 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% from lowest to highest
The competition is medal format and the EXACT handicap allowance is subtracted from the team’s gross score to give the nett team score.
The Prizes:
The JA Quaich (and Malt Whiskey) for the team with the lowest score
Nearest the Pin - 10th Hole (must be on the green)
Longest Drive - 17th Hole (must be on the fairway)
Funniest moment or Worst shot submitted via video to Boozy (A panel will be assembled to adjudicate)
Wooden Spoon (Team with that finish as 9th champions)
Secret prize to be announced at the end
I do need your help on the day!
Can I ask that one of you record your opening tee shots for me so I can use them to promote the event online
See you there