In recent years the first week of June has seen us shine the spotlight on some of ABCC's many volunteers. In 2023 we start with our President, JD, reflecting on the power of volunteering during his 42 years (and counting) at the club. I am personally very grateful that JD would volunteer to help me with my GCSE English revision during Sunday games in 1998, without that I probably wouldn't be writing this now!
Over to Mr President...
'Andrew .. well have been around since 1981 when we weren't very good to put it mildly just struggling to raise two teams on a Saturday and occasionally falling short with the second X1 fielding 10 not very good cricketers!
The way back from there was a very long one and i'm not going to bore you with a blow by blow account of the journey but there was considerable resistance within the club to the formation and development of the Junior section but eventually the Junior section took root and over time recruited a number of volunteers: to me that was the era that finally got The Club back on its feet and produced the likes of Jon Summers, Alex Robinson, Dennis Freeman , Dan Sealey, Stefan and AJ, Andy Clayton, Paul Clayton etc. Craig Bird Mark Gayle, Sam Churchley, Peter Monk and many more who have moved on
Eventually we managed a third team for a while (3 seasons). It goes without saying that this was only achieved through the many hours given.
The old pavillion fire (blessing in disguise?) One abiding image .. dear old Dave Adshead renovating the old horse drawn roller that used to sit by the nets.. replacing the shafts on it so it could be used to roll the square in an emergency!..S E Davis came to our rescue in the end and lent us an industrial road roller which truly flattened the wicket!
All this is obvious I suppose but the value of all our volunteers is immense because we have created such a vibrant and inclusive set up and to survive must continue to service it which is quite a challenge.
You know the folks who truly put themselves out for the Club and who have done so in the past so I won't get into that and we can't really put a value on what John and Louise gave to ABCC. What we see now is their work and inspiration and vision as a Club for the Community.
PS and I do occasionally do a litter pick on the road down to ABCC .. and surrounds!!
That's it .. nothing more to say .
John '